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Athletic Program Overview
It is the philosophy of Saint James School that sports are an integral part of education. Organized athletic activities assist in the intellectual and physical development of the student and play a large role in developing such skills as good sportsmanship, discipline and team building. All students are encouraged to participate in sports and activities supported by the Athletics Program.
The Saint James Athletic Association (SJAA) consists of members of the Saint James community who wish to be involved in and focus their volunteer efforts on the sports program. The SJAA meets on a monthly basis and is responsible for such things as gym and field procurement, fundraising and assistance at sports events. Membership is open to all Saint James parents and other interested adults, regardless of their child’s participation in sports. The SJAA reports to the principal of Saint James School.
The mission of the Saint James Athletic Association is to provide a platform to support our student-athletes in a structured, organized and unified voice consistent with the ideals and values of Saint James School. This mission is directed by a Governing Board, Constitution and By-Laws, which focus on specific issues related to all sport, and the coaches and volunteers involved with the Athletic Program at Saint James School.
School physicals are required for all students who wish to participate in the sports program. Physicals must be conducted by the student’s own physician and documentation must be sent to the school on the Health Examination Form . Physicals are good for one year from the date of examination. If a physical expires during the sport season, it must be renewed before continued participation will be allowed. Please contact the school nurse, via the business office, if you need additional information regarding these requirements. A Medical Teatment Authorization Form must also be on file with the Business Office.
Coaches for the sports teams at Saint James are volunteer positions and are selected based on experience, interest and commitment. Those interested in coaching availability may get further information from the Athletic Director via the school business office .
2025 Spring Sports Registration -
SJS Winter Baseball Clinic -
Coach's Application (pdf) -
Sports Offered at Saint James -
Athletic Code of Conduct (pdf)