Saint James Elementary School
30 Peters Place Red Bank, NJ 07701
Phone: 732-741-3363 Fax: 732-933-4960
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St. James Church
Academic Goal
The academic program at Saint James School provides an integration of curricula where learning exposure (content) and experience (process) intertwine as threads in a woven fabric. Curriculum presentation acknowledges the uniqueness of each child and recognizes various learning styles and intelligences. The ultimate goal is to challenge and stimulate each student’s intellectual development so that his or her pursuit of knowledge is never completed, thus continuing throughout his or her life.
The academic program offered at Saint James School follows guidelines recommended by the Diocese of Trenton. Pedagogy, textbooks, manipulative materials, and technology are continually evaluated. The following subjects are taught on a daily basis: Religion, Mathematics, Integrated Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies. The following subjects are taught on a weekly or bi-weekly basis: Physical Education, Art, Music, Spanish, Math Lab, Computer Lab, and Library/Research. Health is taught in a workshop format. High School Prep replaces Math Lab for the 8th grade only.