Saint James Elementary School
30 Peters Place Red Bank, NJ 07701
Phone: 732-741-3363 Fax: 732-933-4960
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St. James Church

Administration & Contacts

Business Office Hours: 
Monday through Friday 7:30am to 3:30pm - Summer Business Hours:  Monday through Thursday 9:00am to 1:00pm

Saint James School, as part of the Diocese of Trenton, adheres to the policies formulated by the Diocese as put forth in the Diocesan Handbook. These policies are then adapted and implemented by the principal and faculty in the daily management of the school. Policies are formulated on the diocesan level, communicated to the principal, who, in turn, informs the faculty.

Saint James Elementary School staff is dedicated and committed to providing an education rooted in Catholic faith with academic opportunities that both challenge and empower students to lead with vision, integrity, compassion and service to the community.

Listed below is contact information for the 2024-2025 school year.

Director Rev. Msgr. Joseph Rosie
Principal Mrs. JoAnn Giordano
Vice Principal Mrs. Catherine Golden
Business Manager Mrs. Margaret Boyle
Mrs. Eileen Donahue

Mrs. Cheryl Yetman
Marketing Director Mrs. Marian Cavanaugh