Saint James Elementary School
30 Peters Place Red Bank, NJ 07701
Phone: 732-741-3363 Fax: 732-933-4960
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Sports Offered at Saint James

Below is a list of sports offered each season at Saint James School.  Sports sign-ups occur in the season preceding the designated sport. Students must maintain passing grades in all subjects to be eligible for participation in sports. In addition, a current physical PPE Medical Eligibility Form  must be on file to try-out and participate in any sport at Saint James. All students must also sign an  Athletic Code of Conduct .  

Fall Sports

Co-Ed Cross Country:  open to all interested students in 4th through 8th grades

Girls and Boys Soccer:  open to students in 6th through 8th grades, by try-out

Co-Ed Cross Country Pee-Wee: open to Kindergarten to Grade 3

Winter Sports

Girls Cheerubs Spirit Team: Grades K to 3rd (all welcome) learn basic fundamentals of cheerleading showing school spirit at SJS Basketball games

Girls and Boys Varsity and Junior Varsity Basketball

Girls Varsity and Junior Varsity Cheerleading

Winter varsity sports are open to students in the 7th and 8th grades; junior varsity sports are open to students in 5th and 6th grades.  All winter sports teams are selected by try-out.

Spring Sports

Co-Ed Track: open to all interested students in Kindergarten through 8th grade.

Girls Varsity Softball: open to students in 5th through 8th grades, by try-out.

Boys Varsity and Junior Varsity Baseball: open to students in 5th through 8th grades, by try-out.

Tennis Clinic for Kindergarten to Grade 3 and Grades 4 to 8.

Girl's Volleyball:  Grades 6 to 8