Saint James Elementary School
30 Peters Place Red Bank, NJ 07701
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St. James Church

After School Clubs 2025

Enrollment is OPEN January 25th - February 1st!


SNAPOLOGY  * MARTIAL ARTS * iCode *  *PAINT A TEE  * Mother Knitter  *Kidz Art* Game Time

TUESDAY CLUBS:  February 4 ♦  February 11 ♦  February 18 ♦  February 25
THURSDAY CLUBS:  February 6 ♦  February 13 ♦  February 20 ♦  February 27



  • ​Complete an enrollment form for each individual child in your family that is participating. Enrollment is open STRICTLY to Kindergarten through 5th grades. Reserve your child’s seat here.
  • Payment must be received by February 1st to be able to participate. Make checks payable to Saint James School, send in an envelope to the Business Office marked “After School Clubs”. 
  • Enrollment is given on a first come, first served basis. The total number of spots varies by club, as does the pricing; both are noted in each club description.
  • Payment is due by February 1st, 2025. Once a club meets its maximum seat count, the club is full and closed, no exceptions can be made.


  • Club participants will be dismissed at 3:50pm. Dismissal procedures will be posted and sent along with your registration confirmation.
  •  Please make sure to send your child to school with an extra snack and water on the day of their perspective club.
  •  You will need to send in a change of dismissal  note to your child’s teacher on the day of the club they are attending. Do not email your child’s teacher.


  • We are in need of parent and student (Grades 6 and 7) volunteers to assist with the clubs each Tuesday and Thursday from 2:20pm - 3:55pm.  Students will earn community service hours.  Please sign up below if you are able to volunteer.


Any questions regarding the clubs, please contact our After School Club chairs,  Suzanne Fixsen .

Any problems using the sign-up form below or if you need to edit an entry made, please contact Tiffany DeSimone .

Please list only one student's name per slot and include the homeroom in the notes field.

Thursdays (Grades K-2)
Snapology (Limited to 14 students)
Abe Dayoub 

Adrian Laible 

Alex Draghici 

Brady Baptista 

Charles Ott 
Charlie Ott KA with Ms. Nelsen

Finn Ott 
Finn Ott 1B with Ms. Rose

JP Harnett  

John Presutti 
Grade 1A

Luke Vercelli 

Mikey DeMayo 

Noah Kehoe 

Robert Darie 

Thomas OBrien 

Thomas Wieczerzak  

Tuesdays (Grades 3-5) Thursdays (Grades K-2)
Kidz Art (Limited to 15 students each day)
Arianna Spring 

Austin Soden 

Closed 1 

Closed 2 

Closed 3 

Closed 4 

Closed 5 

Closed 6 

Closed 7’ 

Closed 8 

Closed 9 

Joey DeFilippis 

Pico Finchen 

Sara margolias  

Vivian Frederick 

Ava Caporale  

Bella Kanenbley  

Emmalyn Carlo 

Giuliana ottaiano 

Grace Gangemi  

Julia Ward 

Julianna Ponsi 

Laura Tantillo  

Lucia Gesuale 

Marielle DeMayo 

Serena marsh  

Sienna Fioreno  

Tess Deluca 

Thea Voorhees 

Valentina Maltese 

Vienna DeSimone 

Tuesdays (Grades 2-3) Thursdays (Grades 4-5)
Mother Knitter (Limited to 8 seats per day)
Ava Caporale  

Delilah Henderson  

Eleni Cousoulas 

Georgia Wilson 

Grace Gangemi 

Isabella Bennett 

Reagan Molzon 

Stella Yu 

Vienna DeSimone 

Alexa Sanfilippo 

Closed 1 

Closed 2 

Closed 3 

Closed 4 

Reece Carpentier 

Savanna Solaz 

Savannah Yu 

Tuesdays (Grades 4-5)
Game Time (Limited to 14 students)
Carter D'Amato 

Christian Mazza 

Closed 1 

Closed 2 

Closed 3 

Closed 4 

Closed 5 

Closed 6 

Closed 7 

Gavin Molloy 

Gunnar Nilsen  

Henry Tyler 
After club he would go to EDP.

Liam Fixsen 

Roman Puma 

Thursdays (Grades 4-5)
iCode (Limited to 15 students)
Alex Kiss 

Carter D’Amato 

Closed 1 

Closed 2 

Closed 3 

Closed 4 

Closed 5 

Closed 6 

Closed 7 

Closed 8 

Closed 9 

Frankie Rebecchi 

Gavin Molloy 

Michael marsh 

Roman Puma 

Tuesdays (Grades k-2) Thursdays (Grades 3-5)
Paint A Tee (Limited to 12 students each day)
Giuliana Ottaiano 

John Presutti 
Grade 1A

Julia DeFilippis 

Julia Ward 

Laura Tantillo  

Marielle DeMayo 

Sarabelle Nastro 

Serena marsh 

Sloan Dayoub 

Stormie Lubischer 

Thea Voorhees 

Valentina Maltese 

Adrianna Browne 

Annalise Ward  

Closed 1 

Closed 2 

Closed 3 

Closed 4 

Closed 5 

Emilia Cavino 

Isabella Bennett 

Keira Kane 

Makayla Baptista 

Scarlett Harrison 

Tuesdays (k-2)
Martial Arts (Limited to 14 students each day)
Aaron Yu 

Bella Kanenbley  

Charles Ott 
Charlie Ott KA w/ Ms. Nelsen

Emi Ientile 
Emelia (emi)

Emmalyn Carlo 

Emmie Glynn  

Jace Medich 

Julianna Ponsi 

Mikey DeMayo 

Noah Kehoe 

Rhys Owen 1A 

Seamus Murtagh 

Stella Fogliano 

Tess Trivett  

Tuesday, February 4 Thursday, February 6 Tuesday, February 11 Tuesday, February 18 Thursday, February 20 Tuesday, February 25 Thursday, February 27 Thursday, March 6
STUDENT Volunteers - Grades 6 and 7 - Six (6) needed on Tuesdays Eight (8) needed on Thursdays (2:20pm-3:55pm)
Alex solaz 

Amanda Yoo 

Calista Fortier  

Gemma marsh 

Jennifer Nilsen 

Julien Valencia 

Tiffany Yoo 

Xavier Fortier  

Amanda Yoo 

Cathryn seuffert 

Julien Valencia  

MJ Brullo 

Nicholas Verdiglions 

Olivia tosto 

Reagan Sanfilippo 

Tiffany Yoo  

Alex Solaz 

Amanda Yoo 

Cathryn Seuffert 

Gemma marsh  

Jennifer Nilsen  

Julien Valencia 

Kenny dalton 

Tiffany Yoo 

Amanda Yoo 

Cathryn Seuffert 

Gemma marsh 

Jennifer Nilsen 

Kenny dalton 

Tiffany Yoo 

Amanda Yoo 

Cathryn seuffert 

Gemma marsh 

MJ Brullo 

Nicholas Verdiglione 

Olivia tosto 

Reagan Sanfilippo 

Tiffany Yoo 

Amanda Yoo 

Cathryn Seuffert 

Gemma marsh 

Jennifer Nilsen 

Kenny dalton 

Tiffany Yoo 

Amanda Yoo 

Cathryn Seuffert 

Gemma marsh 

Olivia tosto 

Reagan Sanfilippo 

Tiffany Yoo 

Amanda Yoo 

Kenny dalton 

Tiffany Yoo 

Tuesday, February 4 Thursday, February 6 Tuesday, February 11 Tuesday, February 18 Thursday, February 20 Tuesday, February 25 Thursday, February 27 Thursday, March 6
PARENT Volunteers - Six (6) needed each day (2:20pm-3:55pm)
Ann Clark (Clerkin) 

Erica Maltese 
Valentina's Mom

Jennifer Tantillo 
Laura Tantillo mom

Kristen Medich  

Theresa Henderson  

crystal marsh 

Andreea Cuculeanu 

Lauren Gangemi  

Melissa DeLuca 

Ann Clark 

Diana Nastro 

Erica Maltese 
Valentina's Mom

Kristen Medich 

Lauren Gangemi 

crystal marsh 

Ann Clark 

Diana Nastro 

Jennifer Tantillo 

Kristen Medich 

Theresa Henderson  

crystal marsh 

Christine Kane 

Dana Voorhees  

Maria Browne 
4B Adrianna’s mom

Melissa DeLuca 

crystal marsh 

Ann Clark 

Dana Voorhees 

Diana Nastro 

Kristen Medich 

Melissa DeLuca 

crystal marsh 

Andreea Ecaterina Dermestiov 

Andreea Cuculeanu 

Sara Ottaiano 
Giuliana's Mom

crystal marsh