Saint James Elementary School
30 Peters Place Red Bank, NJ 07701
Phone: 732-741-3363 Fax: 732-933-4960
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SJS Alumni Quotes


Saint James School is my family.   From the time I arrived in an infant carrier when my brother and sister started many years ago to now as a teacher, Saint James has provided me with a family that supports and guides me. As a student, dedicated teachers gave me a strong academic foundation but also were a guiding force both socially and spiritually. I am privileged that I am able to give back to Saint James School in my role as a teacher. I strive to be as instrumental in my students’ lives as my teachers were for me. 

Kira Nelsen ‘98


Attending Saint James School provided me with a foundation, both spiritually and academically, that was essential in my high school years. Being surrounded by — and taught by — individuals who share in the same beliefs as me allowed me the opportunity to strengthen my faith that I wouldn’t have had anywhere else. I truly believe that I would not be anywhere near as well rounded as I am today without attending Saint James.

Isabella Buckman ‘14


S aint James Elementary School really taught me how to properly interact with people and how to treat others how I would want to be treated.    Saint James also taught me that doing the right and honest thing is the most rewarding feeling in the world.  

Sebastian Pena ‘14


Simply put, St. James is a part of me – not just the school itself, but the Parish, the teachers, the priests, the sisters, the friends I have made, and the faith it gave me.   I grew up at SJS and experienced some of my most impactful life experiences while there…   To EVERY teacher and staff member that helped me in some way – THANK YOU.  

Marie Flego ‘14


Saint James School nourished my love of science and led me towards a STEM-focused high school, the Marine Academy of Science and Technology. I wouldn't be who I am today without the dedication of the teachers, faculty, coaches and friends I had at Saint James.

William Franznick ‘18


My time at Saint James gave me the confidence I needed to begin my four years of high school and to be well prepared for my rigorous academic classes.  The support I received from my teachers at Saint James is probably what stands out the most.  They believed in me and encouraged me to always do my best. 

Stephen Attardi ‘16


St. James taught me how to respect others…That I should be considerate to others and think before I react.             

Jason Bonura ‘99


Saint James was a part of my life for 11 years.  I am proud to say those years helped me become the person I am today.  My religious and spiritual foundation was thoughtfully and meticulously established at St. James.  Not only did it instill in me a deep and unwavering faith in God, but it prepared me for years of education at religious institutions (CBA and Fordham University).  The best part of St. James was the friends I made.  Friendships that began in preschool have remained with me today.

Ryan Kozack ‘15


I feel so proud to come from this school. It instilled a sense of community, belonging, and a drive to never stop learning no matter how big the mountain is in front of me. 

Vivian Zohrabian '01


Going to a school like CBA as a freshman, I thought for sure that I was going to be a little fish in a big pond. I quickly realized how much of an advantage I had over many of my classmates who came from public schools, and I realized the extent to which SJS prepared me socially, spiritually and academically for high school.   My success at CBA so far has been the culmination of the hard work and respect I learned at SJS. 

Kyle Hill ‘16


My many memories of St. James are associated with the joy of learning that we are called to know, love and serve God every day, and to find Him in everyone we meet. Many times over the years, I’ve just needed to rediscover the simple faith I lived as a kid at St. James to remember what truly matters. I’ll always be thankful to the people at St. James for that great gift.

Mary Kate McNamara ‘11


Growing up with a Catholic education from the time I was in kindergarten prepared me both spiritually and mentally for my high school life. Going to St. James helped me build discipline which became very useful in building strong relationships and bonds. Also, growing up with a religious education shaped my life of Christian service that would come several years later, which has become a very meaningful part of my life.

Oliver Pangilinan ‘16



SJS… a foundation built on

Faith, Honor and Academic Excellence.