Saint James Elementary School
30 Peters Place Red Bank, NJ 07701
Phone: 732-741-3363 Fax: 732-933-4960
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St. James Church

Events & Programs

Progressive Raffle

The Progressive Raffle offers ticket buyers a chance to win cash.  St. James keeps 50% of the overall cash raised, and the other 50% is split among four winners.  Each family receives 2 books (20 tickets) and incentives including prizes (iPods, Wii and digital cameras are some of our previous prizes) as well as dress down passes are available to all who participate.   


Christmas Stocking Stuffers & Easter Basket Stuffers

During the Christmas and Easter seasons, $10 stuffers will include a dress down pass, Ugg or sneaker pass and a nailpolish or sweatshirt pass, packaged together in a gift bag. These are offered for sale via the WIN folder in the weeks leading up to the appropriate holiday.

The Polar Plunge

The Polar Plunge is an annual event sponsored by the Ancient Order of Hibernians of Monmouth County, a Catholic men’s organization. The purpose of the event is to raise money for Catholic schools. The participants of the event raise pledge money in order to participate and then they have the pleasure of jumping into the ocean on a cold January Sunday.   If they do not want to dive into the ocean themselves, students, families and friends can pledge money to sponsor someone or just make a donation to St James.   Please see the Polar Plunge Frequently Asked Questions link below for more information and additional links to the sign up or sponsor form.